Healer and Spiritual Wayshower
women and healing circle facilitator
spiritual coach

Free support material
decrees, meditations and mantras
Free guided meditation
I love myself
I believe in myself
I am blessed
I am grateful to myself for myself and for everything and everyone
Channeled by: Erika Bartha Heart Light wayshower
The power of light is protecting me
My body is home of the light
My house is home of the light
Light is guiding me on my path
The power of light is guiding me on my path
I am walking the path of light
All cells of my body vibrates on the vibration of light
Love and light emanates from my heart
Channeled by: Erika Bartha Heart Light wayshower
I am light
My body is the home of light
Channeled by: Erika Bartha Heart Light wayshower
I forgive everyone who has ever hurt or harmed me, consciously or unconsciously, in this lifetime or any other, in this universe, dimension, plane or level of existence or any other.
I offer them grace.
I ask forgiveness for everything I have ever done to hurt or harm another, consciously or unconsciously, in this lifetime or any other, in this universe, dimension, plane or level of existence or any other.
I ask for grace.
I forgive myself for everything I have ever done to hurt or harm another,
consciously or unconsciously, in this lifetime or any other, in this universe, dimension, plane or level of existence or any other.
I accept grace.
I am free. All chains and restrictions fall from me. I stand in my full power as a master.
X 3
So be it. It is done.
Source: Diana Cooper
There are some foreign teachers, healers, wayshowers who had a great influence on my life.
I recommend their writings, videos, websites, workshops with lots of love as they helped me too, on my path. They inspired me:
Sandra Walter - Creative evolution
Michael J Roads
Tim Whild - Practical ascension
Sarah Jane Perman - Priestess activation
Leyolah Antara - Tantric Rose Mystery School
Naomi Nonu Carling - Channel
Michael J. Roads - From Illusion to Enlightenment, Pan and Me
Anaiya Sophia - Sacred sexual union
Brian Weiss - Many lives, many masters
Adamus St Germain: Live Your Divinity: Inspiration for New Consciousness
Adamus St Germain: Memoirs of a Master
Adamus St Germain: Masters in the New Energy
This section below is a test for a future update - work in progress
My Work

Heart Light
Heart Light Touch is a beautiful healing method channeled by Erika Bartha. I have been using it for healing since 2014 and teaching it since 2015.
It is based on the 7th dimensional, unconditional love energy of the Rainbowlight which supports the awakening of humanity to Christ consciousness.

Mandorla Cellular Healing
The energetic channel that I use both for personal healing sessions, but mostly for group healing circles opened up for me in March 2021 and it is coming through stronger and stronger the more I use it.
It is a very pure energy that works through the DNA.
Ascension wayshower
I support people in their awakening to their spiritual divine being through many ways., including spiritual workshops, talks, healing circles. I give talks about the process of ascension to 5D and teach practices to make the transition easier.
Connection to
Mother Earth
I have a deep connection to Mother Earth, the fairies and nature beings.
I am regularly guided to visit places and intuitively do energy work, gridwork with the land.
I also do cleansing and blessing of natural water sources.
Property and land cleansing and programming
I offer energetic cleansing for lands and properties, to clear density. I create positive energy fields and place programs that supports the inhabitants.

Women Circle
Women circle's are powerful, our ancestors new this.
I have a deep connection to Celtic and Preceltic times, so this is the perfect way to bring back rituals and awaken Irish people to their heritage.