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Healer and Ascension Wayshower
Although I am an economist by degree, I had numerous professions in my lifetime,
that helped me gain a great variety of experiences. 

The journey that led me to who I am now, was quite challenging and I could say a rather bumpy ride, but it was well worth it. I am grateful for every difficulty in my life, and now I can even be grateful to those who made this road challenging for me, because without these experiences, I would not have been forced to start to walk on the path of self-discovery, to unlearn who I am not and get to know who I really am. I changed through the healing process and the people around me and my life changed as a result.
My consciousness has grown with every step and it led me to see the world through a completely different lens. 

I am most grateful to those who believed in me from the beginning, who could see, what even I could not see in me at the time. Deepest gratitude to my two best friends Anita Brunner and Zsuzsa Jasku who were there for me in every step of my path in the past years. Also many more beautiful friends whom I love deeply, and Erika Bartha, my Heart Light Method teacher, who supported me on my path of awakening.

I carry a very strong energy of blessing that I feel will have more role
and I am aware of certain tasks yet to come, but it is constantly evolving, and new opportunities are opening. 

I am certainly a seeker of the universal truth, aiming for anchoring unconditional love and Christ consciousness. I truly believe in the shift in consciousness, the ascension of humanity to the 5th dimension. I am working towards this goal every moment of my life. On this path I support people to awaken to their true self through healing sessions, consultations, angel guidance, interactive constellations, workshops, talks, healing circles etc. Most importantly I am awakening people to living in a loving and peaceful way. I am giving hope to people that a better future is possible and we are here to co-create it together. I am also passionate about creating smaller, loving communities. 

I was brought up in a Catholic family, but from a very young age the teachings did not resonate with me. 
The first breeze of spirituality touched me when I was getting ready for my maturity exams at the age of 18 and to have a break from studying, I watched the 6 hours film version of the Hindu epos, Mahabharata directed by Peter Brook. It had a huge impact on me, as I learned that past lives exist and from then on, there was no doubt about that.
One of the biggest milestones was my divorce in 2007. It was the biggest decision of my life to leave the beloved England, my friends and family behind with my two amazing sons, move back to Hungary and bring them up on my own as a single mum. Jake and Oliver are the most amazing sons and they were deeply involved in my awakening. I had so much support after my divorce, it was easy to see that there is much more to what is happening around me, than what the eye can see. At the time I had no idea, how many celestial helpers I have. I started to learn to meditate and learnt as much as I could about reincarnation. I read most books of Dr Brian Weiss psychologist, who was working with past life regression. I accompanied my friend to a prana healer, who became my first teacher, who made my world tremble. He opened up my eyes and made me face my own fears.

Thanks to another friend, I started to study prana healing, also learned the past life regression technique of Prananadi. My teacher shown me the world from a whole new perspective. At the same time I read about many other techniques, like Theta Healing, numerology, astrology, and started to learn Aura-Soma and ColorGenetics. Although this latter one I did not complete, Aura-Soma is still part of my everyday life. I always observe the colours around me. I will always be grateful to Éva Hermann, Mária Molnár and Géza Kovács for making me fall in love with colours.

I had many teachers on my spiritual path, to whom I am very grateful, but the teacher who truly changed my life is Erika Bartha, who introduced me to the world of Heart Light method and Rainbowlight energy and invited me to her group of wayshowers just a year after my first course of the technique. I will never forget my first course, when Erika told me seeing tears rolling down my face “It is great, that you are very sensitive, as it will make you a wonderful healer”. Before that, I always thought of my sensitivity as my greatest weakness, but at that point it turned around. I found Heart Light in the spring of 2014 thanks to Kata Sereghy. I will be grateful for a lifetime, that she led me to this beautiful technique. I have attended all self-awareness,  healing technique and teachers’ courses of Rainbowlight up until 2022. I love being a wayshower, talking to people and support people in their life situations in which they feel stuck. Erika taught me that miracles exist and I see them happening every day. 

Around 2016 I started to follow Sandra Walter ascension wayshower, she also had a very deep influence on my life. Gives me deeper understanding of the higher realms and ascension energies. Then I was introduced to the books of Michael J Roads. His metaphysical journeys also had profound effect on me, confirming many unusual experiences I had in my life.  

I was always drawn to Celtic mythology and the goddesses / priestesses. My interest in Ireland awakened back in 2017 when some rather unusual, medically not justifiable body symptoms lead me to Ireland, to heal past nun lives. I fell in love with the land very deeply, I knew I will return. I started Irish dancing, even had an attempt to learn Irish language. Failed on that one :)

Although when I started my healing journey, I felt nothing, my sensitivity of energy awakened gradually, and I am now supersensitive. I am mostly clairsentient and seem to have a very intuitive sense for healing. My spiritual skills really accelerated around 2018 and started to have experiences with beautiful benevolent aliens. They became my guides sending me on sacred trips. Being a starseed aliens supporting humanity (there are many of those) are important part of my life. Arcturians and Sirians are closest to my heart, with their gentle, deeply loving energy. 

In 2021 a new energy and technique started to emerge in me through my healings with the support of the Arcturians, that I call Mandorla healing. In the autumn of 2021, I visited Ireland again and my life changed forever. I just felt I am finally at home. Meeting a very special person activated the Mandorla channel even further in me. I call it Mandorla, because it is my favourite symbol and it also seems to be an important symbol in the healing process as well. A huge transformation was triggered, deeper than ever, activating further deep self-healing and deep spiritual initiations. My understanding is that the energy coming through works on reprogramming on a deep cellular, DNA and blueprint levels.

In 2022 I left Hungary and moved to Ireland listening to the ever so strong deep divine call to teach and support people here. My soul always wished to live here, it is the country where I feel at home. (Read blog on this link). My connection to the Tuatha Dé Danann awakened rapidly. Although the land and people are precious to me, being here triggered a rollercoaster of self-healing, many druidic and Celtic lifetime wounds emerging, asking for transmutation. I trust that it is coming to an end now (2024).

Since childhood I had a deep love for Celtic music and as I was growing up I was drawn to Celtic outfits, Irish dancing, the Goddesses, so in the spring of 2023 I started to train to become a Moon Mná women circle facilitator. I am holding groups in Mallow, sometimes Blarney, but open to take on new groups in nearby towns and cities. 

I also have a very deep connection to Mother Earth, crystals and the fairies. I spend a lot of time in the woods, nature, connecting, anchoring energies by the guidance of my divine guides to support Gaia. I believe that working with the energies of Mother Earth as I am travelling, is a substantial part of my taking for this incarnation.
I more and more follow my own intuitions these days, channeling meditations and putting new types of healing circles, workshops together to follow the forever changing energies in the ascension process. 

I have many divine souls, guides, ascended masters supporting me on my journey including St Germain, Jeshua, Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary, Goddess / Saint Bridget, St Claire, Archangel Zadkiel and Raziel and many more. I have deep gratitude for them.
Also my Mum, who is guiding me from the other side for a few years now. 
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