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From victim mentality to taking responsibility

Writer: Nóra HormayNóra Hormay

It has been a long time since I last wrote a blog. Today was the first day since March 2024, that I felt like writing again. You may ask if it was due to a lack of inspiration, but that is definitely not the case. I chose not to. I had an accident in April 2024 – breaking my jaw by slipping on a wet wooden board at a well - which muted me physically and emotionally. It was right in the middle of my writing challenge that I started in March and since then I became a bit of an introvert. I know the old me would have carried on with writing, posting, trying to please my clients and students, but the new me knew I needed to focus on Me. Self-healing and self-love was needed; the first big change in my life that this year brought. I have never been a person who enjoys being in the public eye – I only do it as I feel it is necessary with the work I do – but it would not be my choice. I like a private quiet life in the countryside with mother nature. My favourite type of wayshowership is sharing my experiences and that always seem to find the people who say – “I feel the same, I am glad it is not just me”.

When you have an accident, you question everything. And I do mean everything. So, that is what I did for the last 11 months. I had an inventory of my life so far. I checked my belief systems, teaching, spirituality, connection to people, life in general and all. I learned to be silent and mostly listen to the world around me and do as little as necessary to provide a basic living. I learned to be present in my life. I gave up on the wants and needs. I learned to listen within. The world is pretty hectic out there and sometimes you need to stop and silence all that is around you, to hear your whispering heart. A lot of magic happens when you do that. You are “forced” to see yourself, your true self without the masks. You learn to forget the past and the future and start to be in the moment, flow with what is. Allow the moment to bring things to you that you need to experience. It is a deep level of surrendering in which many answers arrive, wishes come true organically. After I arrived to Ireland I had many challenges I had to tackle, but I still knew deep in my heart, that I belong there. I knew this accident was the last step to finally stop being the victim of my own negative creations. I know there is an easier way.

To be able to move out of a challenging situation, make positive changes in our lives, first we need to understand that we have created those challenging situations in the first place. Noone can hurt us or do things TO us, we are co-creators and not victims of anyone or anything. Situations are agreements for an experience between two or more souls.

I am regularly asked by my clients and students: "Why would I create such a painful, challenging situation for myself?" The answer is very simple. The soul comes to Earth to grow in consciousness, to heal old wounds*, and especially to learn to love. We learn to love in many ways, a very common one is through forgiveness. Growth usually takes place when we go through something tough, but we come out wiser, with peace in our hearts. People who “hurt” us are actually helping us to grow. They hold mirrors of our wounds or teach us to love ourselves more.  This is the way the soul can remember the tasks it decided to resolve during its incarnation. Through being challenged we learn to react differently, change our response consciously.

They say “Happy people do not work on themselves”, which could be an answer to why we create challenges. If you are unhappy, feel stuck it eventually becomes so unbearable that you end up doing something about it, maybe ask for help, go to a healer or a coach or a workshop or read a self-heal book etc. You will feel that change is needed. The moment you take responsibility and accept what is happening now, you can start looking for answers, what learning your soul wanted from this situation.

Let’s look at some examples:

-If somebody keeps trying to oppress you, using you, pushing you to the very limit, you are more than likely learning to set boundaries, say no, etc.

-If somebody betrays you, it is either a karmic settlement of a previous experience or it might be a reminder for your soul, that you have an emotional wound from a painful experience where betrayal was involved and you need to heal it, not to experience it again.

-If you meet someone who really, like Really annoys you, there is a good chance that person lives something (creativity, abundance, self-confidence, sexuality, etc…) that you wish you could, too, however, maybe due to a previous experience or subconscious block, you do not live or experience that part of you. Those people will show the very extreme, exaggerated version of it, to make sure you work on and release that wound and start living that quality in a balanced way in your own life. 

Think about it! If you were a victim of your circumstances, that would mean that you are not in charge of your own life. Luckily the truth is that you ARE the creator of your life, so if you created a nightmare, you can also change it for the better. Stepping out of victim mentality liberates you and allows you take control of your life. Imagine what a power it is to be able to change parts of your life that you do not like! Be brave and make the first step! Give up victimhood!

Returning to the quote above “Happy people do not work on themselves”, I do not fully agree. When you take responsibility, and you own the fundamental truth that you create your reality, happiness will be an essential part of your experience. Tricky situations that we all have time to time will feel like a breeze instead of a hurricane. Growing in consciousness will become easier and easier, which result in the ability to tackle the challenges that come into your life with ease and in way lesser time. You stop the blame games and take full responsibility for your creation. Then after every experience that challenges you, you will ask yourself: Why did I want to learn from this? Why did I choose this experience?

There were many reasons I have created the accident in my life, amongst others releasing wounds, past patterns from thousands of years ago, showing a positive example of consciousness to my students etc… but most importantly looking back now I can see how I have never stepped up so much in my heart consciousness as I did in this introvert, silent time. It was an essential contribution to whom I want to be in this incarnation. After 14 years of being a “caterpillar” constantly healing, evolving, I spent the last 1 year in the chrysalis and I believe now is the moment when the butterfly may finally, slowly step out and see its own beauty she has always been.

If you want to reveal your own Gem and you need a little support, get in touch. 1:1 sessions and workshops are available for guidance.


*I would like to reflect back to a sentence I wrote earlier: “we are here to heal old wounds”. Healers, spiritual teachers usually say our soul needs healing. In a way I understand why it has been phrased like that. It is easier for most people to understand. But after so many years of self-healing and being a spiritual guide and wayshower, I feel this is not quite correct. Our soul does not need healing. Our soul is an amazing, pure, beautiful infinite being, it does not need healing. The healing process is more about letting go of the egoistic attachments to certain situation, emotions, outdated belief systems to reveal our pure, divine soul, to find the way back to our true self. Healing is about removing the veils that we have created through lifetimes of wounds, healing is to reveal the gem, the beautiful soul behind the veils.

Lots of love and light to you as always

Nóra Hormay

Spiritual coach

Heart-Light healer and teacher



Tel.: 00353-831685718 

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